Since the beginning of this year, PFALZSOLAR realized several large-scale rooftop PV projects in the Netherlands. The company also took part in the Dutch PV fair “Solar Solutions” as an exhibitor for the first time. Solar Solutions has developed into the largest commercial platform for solar energy in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg with nearly 5,000 professional visitors and about 100 exhibitors. For PFALZSOLAR, the fair was a perfect opportunity to push forward their successful market entry in the Netherlands.
Beside the international booming markets like the U.S. or China also smaller European markets are currently becoming more and more attractive. The Netherlands have a great potential regarding large-scale industrial and commercial rooftops. Comparable to the German auction process, Dutch project owners can apply for a feed-in-tariff, the so called “SDE+” (“Stimulation of Sustainalbe Energy Production“). The big problem: Many of the projects that won those auctions in the last three years aren’t realized yet.
„In our opinion, there’s a high demand in the Netherlands for reliable partners, who are able to realize large-scale projects efficiently, to high quality standards and reasonable prices,” says Max Huber from PFALZSOLAR, Head of Project Development. “And that’s exactly what we can offer. Our long-term experience and the fair and trustful way we work together with our partners are decisive success factors for many investors.” In the Netherlands, PFALZSOLAR offers mainly Development-, EPC- and O&M-services. Currently, the company is constructing three rooftop PV power plants with a total capacity of 1.3 Megawatt. Further projects, including a 12 MW project, are already planned.
Photo: PV power plant in Burgerbrug, Netherlands, with 394 kWp