In this week, PFALZSOLAR started with the installation of another large scale PV project that is located on a completed part of a former landfill site in the “Hochtaunuskreis” in the middle of Hesse, Germany. The solar park “Brandholz” will have a total capacity of 1.2 MW. Due to the special ground conditions very strict construction specifications must be observed.
“We already realized several PV power plants on landfill sites. That’s why we know the exceptional requirements of such projects very well,” explains Max Huber, Head of Project Development at PFALZSOLAR. In the case of the solar park Brandholz a distance of 1.6 meters between the ground and the modules has to be kept. Compared to other landfill projects, this is an unusual exception. “Therefore, we use a special mounting system which protects the landfill surface and ensures the highest possible structural stability at the same time” says Huber.
The large scale project is a continuation of the successful collaboration between the RMD (“Rhein Main Deponie GmbH) and PFALZSOLAR. At the beginning of this year, the RMD and PFALZSOLAR signed a contract about the operation & maintenance of a major part of the RMD’s PV power plant portfolio (nearly four MW). Markus Töpfer, CEO of the RMD, underlines: “With PFALZSOLAR we’ve found a reliable partner for our PV-projects. Climate protection is an important part of our company strategy. For this reason a long-term and fair partnership is very important for us.” The RMD plays a pioneering role among German landfill site operators: The Company already realized its firs PV project in 1993.
Max Huber also praises the good collaboration: “From the first discussions to this date we’ve experienced a perfect partnership with the RMD. It’s great to see, how they push forward the energy transition and it’s a pleasure to be a part of it.” The solar park Brandholz will be put into operation at the beginning of the New Year. Then, nearly 4,500 solar modules will produce 1.2 million kilowatt-hours of environmentally friendly energy each year. Theoretically, that’s enough to provide 300 average German households with energy. As soon as the construction and grid connection is finished, the RMD and PFALZSOLAR start with a new project in the first quarter of 2017: on the rooftops of two storage facilities, PFALZSOLAR will build PV power plants with a capacity of 660 kW.